Shift to Better & Higher Timelines Event (POSTPONED, NEW DATE COMING SOON!)

You choose what to pay!

I would normally charge $77 for this event, but I want this to be accessible to all.

Spots are limited so sign up today!

Join me for a transformative healing experience, where you can free yourself from your past and shift timelines into the future you desire.

Event Details: This event will be on Zoom and will be recorded



In the presence of this online sacred healing event, you will remove blocks, deeply heal and determine your next best timeline to step into next. Guided by Jennifer, an experienced healer and facilitator, you will release old wounds, limiting beliefs, and emotional baggage that no longer align with who you want to be. Through guided visualization and healing techniques, you will cleanse your mind, body and spirit of the past and choose new possibilities and timelines to operate from. You will then merge with that timeline and integrate into your new reality.

This event is designed for those who are ready to let go of the past and step into their highest potential for this life’s experience. Whether you seek healing, clearing blocks, having more clarity, or empowerment, this sacred healing opportunity offers a supportive environment to step forward.

What to Expect:

  • Discussion of parallel lives and timelines
  • Discussion of common blocks and what needs to be released to shift timelines
  • Identify the best parallel-self and timeline shift for you at this time
  • Guided meditation and energetic clearing to remove blocks preventing you from your shift
  • Mind, body, spirit integration of the new timeline
  • Loving support


By the end of this event, you will feel lighter, more aligned, and empowered to create positive experiences in your life. You will have cleared away obstacles and stepped into your better and higher timeline.

$1.00 USD or more

Acknowledgement and Consent for Event   

1. The purpose of this event it to help you to energetically balance, heal and clear the mind, body and spirit so that you can live your best life.

2. Jenn Palmer is not claiming to treat disease or disorders. These events are meant to be used in conjunction with appropriate medical or psychological care, if needed. Understand that energy healing complements medical or psychological care you may be receiving, but does not replace it.

3. All intuitive information or guidance provided is for informational support only and is meant to empower you to get in touch with your own being so that you can navigate your life more confidently.

4. You must be 18 years of age or older to sign up for this event (parents may sign up their child) and have read and understand the above and acknowledge that no guarantees or warranties are made for this event.

5. This event will be recorded. If you do not want to be shown in the recording, make sure to use an anonymous name and image for the zoom call. By signing up for this event, you give permission to Jenn Palmer to send this recording to all who have signed up and as potential promotional material for Jenn's events and courses.

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